The plugin enables businesses to add cheque payments as a payment option for their customers making payments on their website. It provides a secure and reliable platform for customers to make cheque payments while also providing sellers with a transparent and simple way to process and reconcile such transactions. With…

GetPaid Cheque Payment Gateway

-Very cheap price & Original product!
-We Purchase And Download From Original Authors
-You’ll Receive Untouched And Unmodified Files
-100% Clean Files & Free From Virus
-Unlimited Domain Usage


352 in stock


Version:  2.0.0

The plugin enables businesses to add cheque payments as a payment option for their customers making payments on their website. It provides a secure and reliable platform for customers to make cheque payments while also providing sellers with a transparent and simple way to process and reconcile such transactions. With…



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SKU: f13ba9ca7a54
Product Category: WPClever
100% Safe

100% safe and non-toxic

Unrestricted Use
Secure Checkout

PayPal / Visa / Alipay